Owen is the man behind the Legislation Outlook and his team can provide expert legislation-related advice to Activ Comply clients. His legal expertise lies in the environmental, health and safety and information security management field, and he has also created the Legal Register FAQ guide.
Owen started working for MyActiv in 2014 and was taken to develop the Activ Comply software for it then to be released in 2015. Owen has also acted as Data Protection Officer (DPO) for MyActiv, developing a GDPR compliance management system and outsourced DPO for those GDPR clients and providing general GDPR support to other clients. In terms of Owen’s background prior to joining MyActiv, Owen has achieved an LLB Law degree and has worked for the likes of HSBC and Welsh Water.
Owen has seen the Activ Comply software system evolve over the years, starting out as a software tool that was designed to make life easier for very small companies, to now catering for much larger organisations such as KeolisAmey Metrolink Limited, Whitworths, Corporate Events and Checkit, amongst others.
Owen explains; “Legal compliance has always been one of the most challenging aspects of ISO certification. When we first put Activ Comply on the market, our intention was to make life easier for SMEs who don’t have access to legal resources. However, we were surprised to see how much it appealed to large companies too, due to its automated update system and compliance workflow.”